Yaskawa SRCI released

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    2 minutes   Bertus de Groot  

Yaskawa Europe just released the SRCI interface (Standard Robot Command Interface). This means you can now use SRCI "core" profile functions in combination with a Yaskawa YRC1000 robot controller and all GP-series manipulators.

If you’re new to Yaskawa SRCI, please first have a look at the FAQ section to learn more about SRCI and its functions.

SRCI Interpreter app version: 0.2.4
Get the latest SRCI app from our download portal


This first release is a so called “limited sales” release which means that it has a few restrictions and might not yet fill the needs for your projects. Please read the following carefully. In case of doubt or questions please contact your Yaskawa sales representative.

Supported hardware

  • Robot controller: YRC1000 (requires system software YAS4.90 or newer)
  • Manipulators: GP-series
Order information and supported setups can be found in this overview .
Support for other hardware (e.g. YRC1000micro) will be added later (see FAQ

General information

  • Both AccelerationRate and DecelerationRate cannot use values below 20 %
    (range: 20 to 100 %)
  • The following blending modes are supported:
    • BlendingMode=0 ("Exact stop")
    • BlendingMode=2 ("DefinedVelocity")
      Note: In our implementation the blending is speed dependant; The faster the motion, the larger the blending curve. As this does not exactly match the SRCI specification of DefinedVelocity, it might be subject to change.
    • BlendingMode=3 ("CornerDistance")
      Note: The set distance will be clipped to the nearest of the following values: 13/25/50/100/200/300/400/500 mm
  • General Purpose Output OUT#1001 (#11260) is reserved for Yaskawa support purposes.


  • Manipulator only (without base axis) Fixed in v0.3.1
  • WriteToolData, WriteFrameData and WriteLoadData are not yet supported.
    Workaround: Setup this data using the Yaskawa pendant Fixed in v0.3.1
  • Specifying the arm configuration for cartesian target positions is not yet supported.
    Please make sure to use the following settings:
    • ConfigMode.Shoulder=1 ("No change") Fixed in v0.3.1
    • ConfigMode.Elbow=1 ("No change") Fixed in v0.3.1
    • ConfigMode.Wrist=1 ("No change") Fixed in v0.3.1
    • OriMode=1 ("Linear interpolated")
    • TurnMode=2 ("Free")
  • Synchronization from PLC to robot controller is not yet supported.
    Please make sure your SyncModeTool setting avoids synchronization in that direction.
Support for these missing features will be added in the coming months.

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