Categories – YRC1000



Release v0.4.0
    Bertus de Groot  
Version 0.4.0 of the SRCI interpreter supports specifying the number of joint revolutions (turn number) for motion commands. It also brings a few bugfixes and improvements. Unfortunately, this version might require you to review your client library license. This version is qualified by the SRCI release process as "Limited Sales Release".

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Release v0.3.1
    Bertus de Groot  
Version 0.3.1 of the SRCI interpreter supports specifying the arm configuration (elbow, wrist etc.) for motion commands. Also, this version supports robots mounted on a base axis (linear track, gantry etc.).

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Release v0.2.11
    Bertus de Groot  
Version 0.2.11 of the SRCI interpreter app fixes a restart issue which could occur after interruption by Estop or safety circuit.

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Release v0.2.10
    Bertus de Groot  
Version 0.2.10 of the SRCI interpreter app fixes an occasional hang-up situation after stopping and improves the ErrorPending bit behavior.

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Release v0.2.9
    Bertus de Groot  
Version 0.2.9 of the SRCI interpreter app fixes incorrect motions, supports FSU and improves behavior after pendant interaction.

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Yaskawa SRCI released
    2 minutes   Bertus de Groot  
Yaskawa Europe just released the SRCI interface (Standard Robot Command Interface). This means you can now use SRCI "core" profile functions in combination with a Yaskawa YRC1000 robot controller and all GP-series manipulators.

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Robot software releases

Robot software releases

Overview of the YRC1000 robot software releases which are relevant for SRCI.

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